(Christmas Mice Recipe)
I once heard an interesting quote. It went something like this:
When you were born
You cried and the world rejoiced,
Live so when you die
The world cries and you rejoice.
As I was thinking about this statement, I was reminded this is NOT what Jesus experienced when he came into the world. The world did not rejoice. Yes, he probably cried as Mary gave birth to him. The only people present to rejoice at the birth of this little boy were his mother and father. Hours later a handful of shepherds came to the manger to rejoice, and some angels rejoiced – but what about the people who had filled the inns of Bethlehem? Did they come out to rejoice? I think not. Did they even know a baby had been born? Chances are they did not. Had I been there I would have rejoiced at the birth of this beautiful baby – this Son of God.
He lived a perfect life. Through his life and his teachings, he showed the world how to die, but live - eternally. Yet, did mankind reach out and embrace this Gift of eternal life. No, they put him to death. Did the world cry when he died – no! They laughed. They rejoiced. They were pleased and satisfied that they had destroyed this Man who brought them so much grief. Even the soldiers gambled over his clothing.
Yes, there were a few who cried. Mary, his mother; along with the women gathered at the foot of the cross. Perhaps the disciples (although most of them ran off to hide except John). Perhaps Joseph of Arimathea, who gave his tomb for Jesus to be buried in, and Nicodemus. Even though Jesus lived a life of sacrifice, love, devotion, and testimony. Even though He healed many, forgave sins, encouraged the broken, and ultimately died so man might live – it seems very few cried at his death. Yet we know that Jesus rejoiced that the victory over sin had been won – Jesus was that victory!
This Christmas can you rejoice at the birth of this Child – this Son of God – this baby who came into a broken world, to live a perfect life, to die a horrible death so you and I can know the joy of having our sins forgiven and the assurance of eternal life?
This Christmas will you determine to live your life as a testimony of God’s Grace at work in your life, letting your light shine in a dark world, sharing the Good News to all God puts into your path so when you ultimately die the world will rejoice – rejoice because of who you are - and were – in Jesus.
Christmas Tree Mice
24 Oreo cookies
2 cup (6 oz.) semisweet chips
3 tsp. shortening
24 red cherries with stems, well drained
24 milk chocolate kisses
48 sliced almonds
1 small tube green decorative icing gel
1 small tube red decorative icing gel
Carefully twist cookies apart. Set aside the halves with cream. In microwave, melt chocolate chips and shortening till smooth. Dip cherry into chocolate, then press unto bottom of kiss. Place on cookie with stem pointing outward. Ears: place slivered almonds between the cherry and kiss. Refrigerate till set. Dot eyes with red gel. With green, make leaves and dot with red gel. Store in airtight container at room temperature. Makes 24.
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