Good Things God Does
(Recipe: Hot Apple Cider)
I love reading through the Psalms, and no matter how many times I read through them, God always shows me something new. Even when I read a familiar passage, each time I read it God points out something different. I love that about God! I love that about His Word! The Holy Spirit opens our eyes and shows us something new each day. Does this happen to you as well?
Case in point. I have read Psalm 103 many, many times, but as I was reading through this Psalm this morning I was struck with the very first verse, “Let all that I am praise the Lord.” I realized that I don’t always do this. Yes, I praise the Lord – but do I praise him with all that I am? Not always.
Verse 2 says, “May I never forget the good things he does for me.” God stopped me right there and asked, “Marilyn, what good things have I done for you? I share some of these good things in this passage. Have you considered them seriously before?” I had to admit that I had not. But I am this morning. I invite you to consider the good things God has done for you as well.
In verse three God says “I forgive all your sins, I heal all your diseases.” ALL my sins he forgives. That is reason enough to know God is good. ALL my diseases. Yes, Jesus heals our physical needs, but our greatest disease we battle every day is sin. In Scripture, sickness is sometimes used as a picture of sin and healing as a picture of salvation. (Luke 5:17-25).
Verse four says, “He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.” A wonderful reason to praise God – he redeems me from my sinful past and his mercies are new every morning!! Mercy means – “kind and compassionate treatment of an offender”. Thanks for your merciful heart!
Verse five reads, “He fills my life with good things.” My youth is renewed like the eagle’s!” When I need extra strength – God gives it to me. Even in my old age, I can serve Jesus with the strength and energy of someone younger. He still has work for me to do!
Verse eight reminds us, “…..(God) is slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.” Boy, do I need this assurance every day. How often do we fail God; sin against him; disappoint him; yet we are told God is slow to get angry. Unlike how I would sometimes treat my children. I would get angry at them over the smallest thing – shame on me! God loves us deeply. H does not easily get angry with us – a very good reason to praise Him.
I love the promise of verse 12 when God says, “(I) remove your sins as far as the east is from the west.” I’m so glad God doesn’t remember my sins. When I ask him to forgive them, he does. Why then do I tend to remember every sin someone has sinned against me? If God can forgive and forget mine – am I any better than God? I don’t think so. I need to follow this same principle in my life. Forgiving and forgetting.
Why do I remember all the good things God has done for me? Verse 17 says, “The love of the Lord remains forever…….” If no one else in this world loves me – God will. If no one else in this world adores me – God does. If my enemy won’t forgive me, God will. If my own father has disappointed me – God won’t. That’s why I love Him!!!
“Father, today, we give you praise for all the good things you have done for us – too many to count, too many to list. Bring to each of our minds those things you have done SPECIFICALLY for each of us and let us give you the praise due your Holy Name today. Amen.”
Hot Apple Cider
½ gallon apple cider
¼ cup red hot candy pieces
¼ cup brown sugar
1 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. allspice
1 orange – cut into slices
4-5 cinnamon sticks
Combine 2 cups cider, red hots and brown sugar. Microwave (medium heat) for 7-8 minutes. Add cloves and allspice. Mix with remainder of the cider. Heat in a crock pot and let flavors blend together 2-3 hours. During the last hour add 4-5 cinnamon sticks, and orange slices. Serves 14-16.
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