(Recipe: Date Cookies)
I checked the calendar this morning. There are 12 days until Christmas. Many of you are still trying to find that “perfect” gift for your friend or loved one. How often during the Christmas season have we heard someone say, perhaps to you or another friend - “please give me a little wisdom on what I can buy ___?___.” I have said those same words to my children as I was trying to think of something to buy their dad.
What we are asking them is this. “HELP. I don’t have a clue here and I need some good advice!”
Sometimes their advice on what to buy is good, and we pick out that perfect gift which causes the person to say “ahhhhh, just what I wanted” – like the year I gave my husband his Kindle Reader. He absolutely LOVES it!
At other times, their advice on choice of gift has not been received quite as well. We realize too late we made a mistake and rather than hearing the words “ahhhhhh, good choice” we get the raised eyebrow, the confused expression, and a very cool “oh, thank you”. My advice – take seriously the words of wisdom you are given, and then pray before you act.
It’s a little different when we ask God for wisdom. James reminds us that when we ask God for wisdom, he gives it to us generously – James 1:5 reads – “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.” Will his wisdom always be right? Yes. Will his wisdom always cause us to say, “ahhhhh, good choice?” Absolutely.
Again, we read in James 3:17 these powerful words – “But the WISDOM from above is first of all PURE. It is also PEACE LOVING, GENTLE at all times, and WILLING TO YIELD to others. It is full of MERCY and GOOD DEEDS. It shows NO FAVORITISM and is always SINCERE.”
Think about it. When I need wisdom; when I ask God for HIS wisdom; he gives me the best kind of wisdom. It is always pure (perfect). It leads to peace. It is gentle. It will cause me to live harmoniously with others. His wisdom extends mercy and leads to good deeds. AND God gives this wisdom to anyone who asks and it is given with a loving and sincere heart. I dare say, the advice and wise counsel I get from my friends can’t even begin to compare to this, for they give counsel out of their own experience and understanding. God gives wisdom out of his character and who he is –
El Shaddai – All Powerful God
El Olam – Eternal God
El Gibbor – The Mighty God
Yahweh-Yireh – The Lord who provides
Immanuel – The God who is always with us.
The next time you cry “Help – I need a little wisdom here” don’t go to your friend, rather go to the source who can give wisdom to you perfectly – Our Awesome, Almighty Heavenly Father – Jesus the Messiah, and he will give you wisdom generously!!
Date Cookies
1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
3 eggs
4 cup flour
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
16 oz. package dates – either chopped or pitted and cut into pieces
1 cup white sugar
1 cup boiling water
Cream shortening and the first two sugars together. Beat in eggs. Add the dry ingredients and vanilla. Stir or beat until a soft dough. Refrigerate several hours.
Boil dates in water and sugar until thickened – cool
Divide dough into two or three sections. Roll out between wax paper. Divide date mixture between the sections of dough. Spread date mixture over dough. Roll up and wrap in wax paper. Chill.
Heat oven to 375. Slice dough into cookie size slices, place on baking sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes until lightly browned. Cool slightly. Remove to cool
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