(Recipe: Chocolate-Dipped Pretzels)
In our Sunday School class this morning we were asked to discuss the question, “who exactly is God.” We looked up a number of Scripture verses and found out that God is:
Holy – 1 Peter 1:14-16
Eternal, God never changes – Psalm 102:12, 27
God know everything – Hebrews 4:13
God does what he pleases – Daniel 4:35
God hates all evil – Proverbs 8:13
God is Creator; He deserves our worship – Revelation 4:11
As I thought about this question later in the afternoon, I couldn’t help but think that God is also “Awesome”. Awesome is defined as ‘amazing’. Over and over again in Scripture, God was recognized as someone Awesome, someone absolutely Amazing:
In Daniel 9:4, Daniel prays – “O Lord, the great and awesome God…..”
The Psalmist says in Psalm 111:9 – “….holy and awesome is his name.”
David says in Psalm 68:35 – “You are awesome, O God…….”
The Sons of Korah exclaim in Psalm 47:2 – “How awesome is the Lord Most High…..”
Nehemiah proclaims in Nehemiah 1:5 – “O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God…”
Moses sings in Exodus 15:11 – “Who among the gods in like you, O Lord? Who is like you – majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?”
At the start of this New Year, can you exclaim, as our forefathers did, “God you are an Awesome God?” As you ponder this thought, write out your own list of what this Awesome God would look like in your life, perhaps adding other Scriptures to this list. Indeed, we do have an amazing and awesome God!
Chocolate-Dipped Pretzels
8 oz. milk chocolate, broken into pieces
Topping: flaked coconut and/or sprinkles
27 (8” long pretzel rods) or a 10 oz. bag
Place chocolate in microwave safe mug. Heat, covered with waxed paper on high 1-2 minutes or until chocolate is melted, stir occasionally.
Meanwhile, place each topping choice on individual paper plates
Holding pretzel, dip in melted chocolate, covering half of the pretzel. Allow excess chocolate to drip off pretzel. Immediately sprinkle coated pretzel with choice of topping. Carefully place coated pretzel rod in pie plate or shallow bowl, leaning uncoated portion on edge. Try to keep pretzels from touching each other. Refrigerate 20 minutes. Store in tightly sealed container, Place waxed paper between layers. To serve, place in decorative water glass. Great snack for Super Bowl Sunday!
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