SNOW! Lots of snow. We woke up to 10-12 inches here in Pennsylvania. Arrrrrrhhhhh. More shoveling (well not for me, but for my husband). Rather than awake and say “oh my, how beautiful” the first words are usually, “Oh great. More snow. More shoveling. I hate winter!!”
I thought about what I could use as my Alphabet letter for C today. Then, it dawned on me!!
Why is it we complain over things we have no control over? The amount of snow we get. The fact that kids are home and don’t have school. “Why can’t the schools be open” we complain. “The kids have already lost enough school days.” What else have you complained about this week? Your health? Your job? Your circumstances?
Jesus said to the people, who began to murmur as they disagreed with what Jesus told them, “Stop complaining about what I said.” (John 6:43). I think Jesus would give this same advice to us today. “Stop complaining about what I am doing.”
Complain means “to express grief, pain, or discontent; to make a formal accusation or charge.” Have you stopped to think that most of the things we complain about we are expressing a complaint toward God? “God, why are you doing this?” is what we are really saying.
I was reminded recently that when God brings something like a 12” snowfall to my neighborhood, this is pleasing to God. He is sitting in heaven and thinking “My, what beautiful snow this is. My handiwork is something for Me to enjoy. See how I layer it on the trees. See how the sun glistens off of new-fallen snow and it sparkles. I did this. I did this for you to remember who I am. I think even the angels in heaven dance with joy at what God has done.”
But, we don’t. Remember God in the snow, that is. We think only of complaining. Scripture reminds us about this. Philippians 2:14, “Do everything without complaining and arguing.” Does that mean while shoveling snow? Does that mean when my kids are running around the house on a snow-day home from school? Does that mean when my job stinks?
The opposite word from complain is “rejoice.” How different our day would be if we would remember this. Psalms 118:24 says, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Note: it did not say “complain”). Philippians 4:4 tells us to “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice!”
Got a lot of shoveling to do – rejoice! Snow is beautiful to God. Kids schedules have upset your day – rejoice. God gave you a free day to have fun with them.
Complaining aside ….. REJOICING, Here I Come!!
Beef & Bean Crock-Pot Meal
½ cup chopped onion
1-1/2 lbs. ground chuck, browned and drained
6 medium potatoes, sliced
1 can red beans, drained
1 can tomatoes mixed with 2 Tbsp. flour or 1 can tomato soup
salt and pepper
garlic to taste
Put chopped onion in the bottom of your slow cooker/crock pot. Layer with browned ground beef, sliced potatoes and beans. Spread tomatoes or soup over all. Sprinkle with seasonings, as desired. Cover and cook on low 7-9 hours. Can serve over rice or noodles. Serves 4-6.
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