Psalm 139 is one of my favorite. As I read it, for the hundredth time, I was again encouraged by its simple message. May I share this encouragement with you? Read Psalm 139, and then consider these thoughts (taken from the New Living Translation):
1. God knows everything about me!
2. God knows when I sit and when I stand.
3. God knows my every thought.
4. God sees me when I travel, or when I rest at home.
5. God knows everything I do.
6. God knows what I am going to say, even before I say it.
7. God goes before me ----follows after me ----- blesses me.
8. I can never escape God’s presence – even in the darkest corner, God is there.
9. I have been perfectly and wonderfully created by God. Every detail about me was intimately planned by God.
10. As I was being formed in my mother’s womb, You, O God, watched.
You knew the day I would be born. You know the day I will die.
11. Your thoughts toward me are precious; so many I can’t even count.
12. If I am awake – or I sleep – you are there.
Verse six sums all of this up in one beautiful sentence when it says, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand.”
I can’t understand all of this. It is indeed wonderful. But I can believe it, and I do. My response must be the same as the Psalmist when he wrote,
“Search me, O God, and know my thoughts; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out everything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
God bless you today as you bathe in the knowledge of God’s tender care toward you and his deep love for you. May these verses, and these thoughts, encourage your heart today to continue along the path to everlasting life.
DIRT PUDDING (a fun dessert for children)
1 19-oz. package of Oreo Cookies
1 8-oz. package of Cream Cheese
¼ cup butter
1 cup powdered sugar
2 3-oz. boxes of Instant French Vanilla Pudding Mix
3-1/2 cup milk
1 16-oz. tub of Cool Whip
1 very large bowl!! (a decorative glass bowl works best)
Crush the cookies. Place 1-1/2 cup of the crumbs in bottom of bowl.
Beat cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar together until well mixed.
In a new bowl, mix the pudding and milk. Beat well. When it begins to set, add the cream cheese mixture. Fold in the Cool Whip.
Layer the bowl. Crumbs, then some of the pudding, more crumbs; pudding – etc. Make sure you end with crumbs on top. You can purchase some “gummy worms” and place them into your “dirt” to add some fun to your dessert. Serves about 16.
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