To Obey – Or Not!
How quick are you to readily obey the voice of Jesus? Or do you, like me, tend to “argue” your point of view first? I am reminded of a scenario that is played out in John 21. Jesus had arisen, and on several occasions
appeared to people. This is one of those times.
Several disciples, seven in all, are gathered on the shore of Galilee. They decide to go fishing. All night they try to catch fish, yet when morning comes, their nets are empty. These men are tired, frustrated, disappointed and hungry. As they consider coming ashore, a man standing on the bank yells out to them, “Fellows, have you caught any fish?” “No”, they replied.
Then he says to them, “Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll get some!” Scripture doesn’t tell us, but knowing Peter as we do, he probably thought - “What? We’ve fished all night and caught nothing. What makes the right side of the boat better than the left? Sounds a little crazy to me.” Thomas, the doubting one, may have thought “Yea, right. The fish aren’t biting, so we’re not going to catch anything – period. Right side, left side, won’t make a bit of difference.”
Maybe John said to them, “Men, what do we have to lose. Just throw the net on the right side of the boat. Let’s see what happens.” To their utter amazement, they catch so many fish they can hardly pull their net into the boat. 153 was their total catch!!
John then says, “It’s the Lord!”
Yes, the Lord – in any situation – makes all the difference. What would have happened if these men thought they knew best and did not listen to the Voice? No fish. No miracle. No wonderful experience with Jesus.
When the men get to shore, Jesus has breakfast ready for this motley crew. I’m sure they ate with relish! Not only had Jesus met their need physically, but he met their need spiritually – he personally fed them with food only Jesus could give.
How many times do we fail to listen to that “still small voice” and miss out on a wonderful miracle or experience with our Lord? When Jesus whispers his words into our heart, we must choose to listen. To fail to do so is disobedience; and disobedience is sin.
The one desire he had for his disciples, the one command he hoped they would obey, is found in verse 19 when he says to them, and especially Peter, “Follow me.” That is God’s heart-cry to us as well. All he asks from us is to “follow him.” Follow him through the good times; follow him even when things don’t make sense. Jesus has our best interest in mind. Will we trust him enough to “throw out our net” even in the impossible? Will you make the commitment to your Lord today to “follow him?” God will pour out his blessing upon you if you do.
8 boneless chicken breasts, cut into smaller pieces
1 18-oz. bottle of Russian Dressing
1 18-oz. jar of apricot jam
1 package of dry onion soup mix
Place chicken into a casserole dish, season to taste. Pour dressing over the chicken. Spread the jam over next. Top with the drop soup mix. Cover and bake in a slow oven, 325 for 1 hour.
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