Sunday, June 27, 2010


Psalm 139 is one of my favorite. As I read it, for the hundredth time, I was again encouraged by its simple message. May I share this encouragement with you? Read Psalm 139, and then consider these thoughts (taken from the New Living Translation):

1. God knows everything about me!

2. God knows when I sit and when I stand.

3. God knows my every thought.

4. God sees me when I travel, or when I rest at home.

5. God knows everything I do.

6. God knows what I am going to say, even before I say it.

7. God goes before me ----follows after me ----- blesses me.

8. I can never escape God’s presence – even in the darkest corner, God is there.

9. I have been perfectly and wonderfully created by God. Every detail about me was intimately planned by God.

10. As I was being formed in my mother’s womb, You, O God, watched.

You knew the day I would be born. You know the day I will die.

11. Your thoughts toward me are precious; so many I can’t even count.

12. If I am awake – or I sleep – you are there.

Verse six sums all of this up in one beautiful sentence when it says, “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand.”

I can’t understand all of this. It is indeed wonderful. But I can believe it, and I do. My response must be the same as the Psalmist when he wrote,

“Search me, O God, and know my thoughts; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out everything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”

God bless you today as you bathe in the knowledge of God’s tender care toward you and his deep love for you. May these verses, and these thoughts, encourage your heart today to continue along the path to everlasting life.

DIRT PUDDING (a fun dessert for children)

1 19-oz. package of Oreo Cookies

1 8-oz. package of Cream Cheese

¼ cup butter

1 cup powdered sugar

2 3-oz. boxes of Instant French Vanilla Pudding Mix

3-1/2 cup milk

1 16-oz. tub of Cool Whip

1 very large bowl!! (a decorative glass bowl works best)

Crush the cookies. Place 1-1/2 cup of the crumbs in bottom of bowl.

Beat cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar together until well mixed.

In a new bowl, mix the pudding and milk. Beat well. When it begins to set, add the cream cheese mixture. Fold in the Cool Whip.

Layer the bowl. Crumbs, then some of the pudding, more crumbs; pudding – etc. Make sure you end with crumbs on top. You can purchase some “gummy worms” and place them into your “dirt” to add some fun to your dessert. Serves about 16.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Do you know what the word “promise” means? The dictionary defines this word as follows: “A declaration assuring that one will or will not do something; a vow.” How many times have we read a promise in the Word of God? How many times have we believed the promise that we read? Whenever I read a promise that God has given in his Word, I am encouraged, because I know God’s word can be trusted. God WILL do what he says he will do –


As I was reading Isaiah, I came across several wonderful promises and I would like to share them with you. In Isaiah 40:28-31 we find seven promises given especially to us!!! Let me share them with you.

Isaiah 40:28-31

“Do you now know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasing God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.”

(promise one) – “He will not grow tired or weary and his understanding no one can fanthom.”

(God NEVER gets tired of caring for us or weary in watching over us).

(promise two) – “He gives strength to the weary…” (when we feel weak, and have no more energy to press on, God gives us renewed strength - MANY times during the course of our day - whenever we need it).

(promise three) – “..and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;” (When I sense I am about to fall; when I have nothing more to give; when I feel like my world is crashing in around me – God gives me the power I need, in my weakness, to persevere.”

(promise four) – “but those who

hope (trust) in the Lord will renew their strength.” (hoping in the Lord is expecting his promise of strength will help us rise above our difficulty).

(promise five) – “They will soar on wings like eagles;” (soar means ‘to fly upward or rise high into the air; climb swiftly or powerfully’. As I trust in Jesus, letting his strength be my strength, allowing Him to lift me up, I can climb any mountain I am asked to climb because I don’t climb alone – Jesus takes me to new heights and his strength sustains me.)

(promise six) – “they will run and not grow weary,” (How wonderful to be able to run this race called life, and run it in such a way that we do not grow weary. Living for Jesus should be fun and exciting; not tiring and draining. If our run is not fun, we need to renew our hope in the Lord.)

(promise seven) – “they will walk and not be faint.” (Even the strongest people get tired at times, but God’s strength will never diminish. He is there to give us that renewed energy, to give us a word of encouragement, to fill our hearts with joy and peace and to strengthen our trust in the powerful name of Jesus, through whom we can do all things.)

Feeling a little battle tired or battle weary today? Claim these promises from Isaiah and face your week triumphantly through the power and strength of Jesus.


¼ cup margarine

¼ cup flour

½ tsp flour

½ tsp salt

¼ tsp pepper

1 cup chicken broth

7 oz. package of cooked spaghetti

2 cup cooked chicken breast (cut-up) or use canned chicken breast

1 4-oz. can sliced mushrooms (drained)

½ cup Parmesan cheese (grated)

1 cup whipping cream

Heat oven to 350. Melt margarine. Blend in flour and seasonings. Cook over low heat, stirring until mixture is smooth. Stir in broth and whipping cream. Continue stirring until it boils. Pour this mixture over the cooked spaghetti, chicken and mushrooms. Stir well. Pour into a 2 qt. casserole dish. Sprinkle with cheese. (you can also add some Mozzarella cheese if you desire). Bake for 30 minutes or until bubbly.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I have been reading the book of 1 Kings and in chapters 7 – 8 is the story of Solomon rebuilding the Temple of God. The story describes in great detail everything that went into making this beautiful structure. When the building was finished, the Ark of the Covenant was moved from Zion to sit in the “Most Holy Place” within the Temple. When everything was complete and the Ark was standing in all its glory,

Solomon offers a prayer to God. What did Solomon pray?

1. He gave praise that “there is no God in heaven like you.”

2. He gave praise that “God keeps his covenants…”

3. He gave praise that “God shows unfailing love…”

4. He gave praise that “God keeps his promises….”

5. He gave praise that “God forgives…”

6. He gave praise that “God punishes the guilty and acquits the innocent.”

7. He gave praise that “God alone knows each human heart….”

8. He gave praise that “God is great – his hand strong – his arm powerful…..”

Solomon then blesses the people by offering this blessing:

“May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our ancestors; may he never leave us or abandon us. May he give us the desire to do his will in everything and to obey all the commands, decrees, and regulations that he gave our ancestors.”

As children of God, our one desire should be – as Solomon states – “To do his will in everything, to obey completely, so that people all over the earth will know the Lord alone is God and there is no other.”

As we give praise to God for all he has done for us, and continues to do; as we are assured each and every day that God is with us, that he will not abandon us; as we strive to live by his commands – may our lives reflect the love of Jesus in such a way we greatly impact the people in our corner-of-the-world, and then proclaim “there is no other God but our God.” Do what you must today to MAKE GOD FAMOUS!


Soak 3 packages of dry yeast in 2-1/2 cups lukewarm water. Add 1 Tbsp. sugar – soak about 10 minutes, until a foam appears on top.

Meanwhile, beat 2 eggs (not foamy) and set them aside.

Take 1 cup sugar, 1-1/2 tsp. salt, 2 cups flour and beat this into the above yeast mixture.

Add 2 more cups of flour. Pour the eggs over all, along with 1 scant cup shortening. Beat well. Add enough flour to form a soft dough. (You may knead this until the right texture).

Grease a large bowl. Place the dough in the bowl, then turn over so both sides are greased. Cover and let rise several hours – until double in size.

Punch down, and gently knead several times on a floured board. Divide into three sections. Roll out a section into a 6” x 10” (or so) size. Lightly spread with melted margarine or butter.

Using a cinnamon/sugar mixture, generously sprinkle over the dough. Tightly roll into a long strip. Cut into 1” sections, place on a greased baking pan. Cover and let rise until doubled. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, until lightly brown. Remove and place on a cooling rack. When cooled, frost with your favorite frosting.