Sunday, April 13, 2014


(Simple Dessert)

Spring! Yes, today is one of those wonderful, Spring-like days, and I hope it continues, leading directly into summer. As I think about this lovely day with God's sky full of puffy white clouds, the sun breaking through occasionally, the robins hopping along the ground, flowers beginning to peek their heads through the soft ground, I can't help but think of our amazing Elohim - Our Creator God.

Think about a world with no Creator in it. How boring! How monotonous! Same-old-same-old. But, we do have a Creator. One who daily paints the sky. A different color every day. Who sprinkles the night sky with millions of stars. Who adds a splash of color to the mountain peaks. Dots the ground with flowers of many varieties, and many colors. Adds interesting animal life; some scurrying here and there. Then completes his masterpiece by creating people - amazing people, colorful people, a variety of people. He places them in various locations throughout the world to compliment his artistic showcase. And when his creation is complete, he stands back and announces - "This is very good! Excellent!"

Let's not take our beautiful world for granted. Let's enjoy everything God has placed in it. After all, he created every bit of it for us to enjoy!

More importantly, let us remember that we are His most treasured creation, for we have been created in His image. Bottom line: We are created to image God. God longs to be seen in us. We are not a "nobody" but a "somebody" because we are a reflection of God. Indeed, we are royalty, because God is royalty - The King of Kings!

You, my dear friend, are God's greatest piece of work. Ephesians 2:10 tells us this (NLT) - "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Think about this. You are a MASTERPIECE!!!! How awesome is that! Not a piece of junk. Not a worthless nobody. Not a throw-away. You are a masterpiece!!! God said so. God created a perfect YOU.

As you begin your week, begin it enjoying everything our Elohim has given to us, but most important of all, praise him that as our Creator, our Elohim, we are a perfectly created image of God, and he loves us very, very much.

Simple Dessert

2-14.5 oz. cans apple pie filling (or cherry if you prefer)
1- 28 oz. can crushed pineapple, DRAINED
1 box yellow cake mix, dry
1-1/2 cup sweetened coconut, shredded
1-1/2 cup nuts (pecans or walnuts)
2 sticks of melted butter

Preheat oven to 350. Spread pie filling over bottom of 9x13 pan. Spread drained pineapple over this. Sprinkle the dry cake mix over the fruit, add a layer of coconut, finally the nuts. Pour the melted butter over the entire cake. Bake for 1 hour, or till golden brown. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.

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