(Recipe: Peach and Blackberry Cobbler)
How often have you heard it said, “Where is God?” This is a question frequently asked when going through a difficult time. Like the events in Boston. Or what happened at New Town. Perhaps the trials in my own life. We may ask, “God, where are you?” Do you see? Do you care? The answer can be found in Psalm 19. Let’s look at it and see if we can answer the question “Where is God?”
Beginning with verse one (NLT), Scripture says “The HEAVENS proclaim the glory of God.” Where is God? Look up! The skies display his craftsmanship, his Almighty Hand. The SUN rises and sets. CLOUDS adorn the heavens. The STARS and MOON reveal God each night. God shows up, every day, 24/7/365 as the sun shines by day, and the moon glows each night. They speak in silence, never saying anything, yet revealing God’s power. God is not dead, indeed, he is alive!
God shows up on a clear, cloudless, sunny day. God can be seen in a starry, moonlit evening. God is also present on a cloudy, dreary, rainy day; or a stormy evening. Watching, waiting, shepherding, loving; all in the hopes of drawing us to himself. Where is God? Just look up.
Where is God? Verse seven continues. “The instructions (Bible) of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.” His Book reveals where God is, and what he is doing. He is reviving the soul, making wise the simple, bringing joy to the heart, giving insight for living. Who but God could do all this? We take life for granted. Each day is a gift from Him.
His Words are perfect, trustworthy, right, clear, true, and fair. Where is God? Found within the pages of his Book. Those words are more desirable than gold, sweeter than honey; and when I let them penetrate my heart I find a great reward. When I revere God, there is a lasting relationship.
Where is God? How can I find Him?
Verse twelve says my heart needs to be cleansed from sin so I can be free of guilt and in the right frame of mind and heart to see God.
Where is God? He is within reach. He is all around you. He is in you. He is your Rock and your Redeemer. If you are uncertain as to your relationship to God, go to www.godlife.com for more answers.
Verse fourteen says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”
Where is God? He is right where he has always been, orchestrating the events of your life into a beautiful symphony of praise to himself.
Peach and Blackberry Cobbler
4 C. peeled, sliced fresh peaches
1 C. fresh blackberries
¼ C. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
½ C. melted butter
1-1/4 C. flour
1 C. white sugar
2 Tbsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
2 C. milk
Preheat oven to 350. Mix peaches, blackberries, ¼ C. sugar, cinnamon and lemon juice together in bowl.
Pour butter into 9x13 glass baking dish and evenly coat bottom and sides. Whisk flour, 1 cup sugar, baking powder and salt in bowl. Mix in milk just to moisten dry ingredients. Pour batter into baking dish, evenly distribute fruit over batter. Bake until golden brown, 45 minutes.
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