(Recipe: Beef Barley Soup)
I’m enjoying this beautiful crisp fall morning. Fall is probably my favorite season of the year. I love the many colors associated with Fall. Bright reds, yellows, oranges and gold. As we think about life, Fall is that season of life when we begin to contemplate how we are doing as a Christian. How faithful have we been? How obedient have we been? If there needs to be any changes, what are they and how do we go about making those changes? Perhaps we need to compare our journey to the check-list that Paul gave to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:11ff. Although Paul is talking to Timothy, his advice could be given to us as well. With this Scripture in mind, I ask you this question. What should a (woman) of God look like in the various seasons of her life?
1. Vs. 11 – She would run from evil things. Paul mentions a few evils such as arguments, jealousy, division, slander and evil suspicions (vs. 4) but perhaps you could make your own check list of those evil things you need to run from that keep you from being the Christian woman God desires you to be.
2. Vs. 11 - She pursues a righteous and godly life. She lives a moral life and in that moral living reveres God.
3. Vs. 11 - She exercises faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. As you think about these four, which one do you need to work on in your life to make you a true woman of God?
4. Vs. 12 - She fights the good fight for the true faith. We can fight over many things. How well do we fight for the truth of the Gospel, for those things that concern the heart of God?
5. Vs. 12 - She holds tightly to the eternal life to which God has called her.
6. Vs. 14 – She obeys what God has commanded of her. Can you say you truly enjoy God’s commandments AND enjoy obeying them?
7. Vs. 17 – She trusts God, who richly gives her all she needs for her enjoyment. Note: Not all she wants!!
8. Vs. 18 – She is rich in good works and generous to those in need, quick to share with others.
9. Vs. 20 – She guards what God has entrusted to her, avoiding godless and foolish discussions.
Quite a list! Paul uses active and forceful verbs to describe the Christian life. Run, pursue,
fight, take hold. There are those who would think that Christianity is a passive religion that advocates waiting for God to act. This is wrong thinking, for we must have an “active” faith, obeying God with courage and doing everything we know is right. Ladies, is it time for action? Don’t wait – get moving!
Paul closes Chapter Six with these words for you: “May God’s grace be with you.”
2 cup sliced carrots
2 cups diced celery
1 medium onion, chopped
8 Beef bouillon cubes
1 pound cubed beef, cut into smaller pieces
1 pound mushrooms, sliced
1 gallon chicken broth
½ of 16-oz. package barley (soak overnight) then drained
½ cup vegetable oil
salt and pepper to taste
Sauté vegetables in oil until tender. Sauté meat until browned. Put into a crock-pot. Add the Add rest of the ingredients and cook several hours. Stir often.
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