Words from Psalm 18
(Recipe: Zuchinni Patties)
In my quiet time today I was reading from Psalm 18. As I came upon verses 29 and following, I saw anew the wonderful message of encouragement God desires to share with us. Let me share this Psalm with you from the NLT (New Living Translation), starting with verse 29:
“In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.
As you meditate on this Psalm, consider what God is saying to you. When we are feeling weak, we can count on God’s strength. Because God is perfect, we can claim every promise he has written for us in his Book. When we are feeling threatened, God protects us. When we feel like we are standing on sand, God assures us He is our Rock. When we don’t know what to do, or have questions about life, we can trust God, for his way is perfect. God gives us rough roads to walk, mountains to climb and battles to fight, but even in these he will not leave us alone. It is through adversity that we grow in our walk with God. God gives us his “shield of victory” and offers his hand of support.
What challenge are you facing today? What difficulty are you dealing with? What mountain do you have to climb? Be assured, dear friend, God will not leave you alone. He is walking the journey with you. Rest in His strength. Rest in His love. Claim His victory.
Zuchinni Patties
2 cups shredded Zuchinni
2 beaten eggs
¼ cup diced onion
½ cup flour
½ cup parmesan cheese
½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
salt to taste
With a paper towel, squeeze all moisture out of the Zuchinni. Place all ingredients in a bowl, and mix well.
In a large frying pan, add 2-3 Tbsp. cooking oil. Form patties (4-6) and fry SLOWLY on a low heat. When one side is a golden brown, turn over. Cooking time is approximately 5-6 minutes per side. Serve with a dollop of sour cream.
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