Would I Pass the Test? (Psalm 26:1-12)
There is a powerful lesson for us to consider from this Psalm. Verse 1a makes this statement, “I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.” Is this something I do? Trust in the Lord without wavering? To waver means to “swing or move back and forth; to be indecisive.” When life is treating us well, it is easy to trust God, but when we are faced with difficulty and trials, our faith sometimes begins to waver. “God where are you right now?” we might ask. “God why don’t you answer my prayer?” we might plead. When all along God is whispering to us, “Just trust me.”
The Psalmist goes on to say, “Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart.” Wow! Am I willing to make a bold statement like this to God? When it comes to my trust, am I willing to be cross-examined by God to see how real I am? What questions might God ask in this cross-examination? Let’s consider the passage:
1. Are you aware of My unfailing love toward you? (vs. 3)
2. Are you living according to My truth? (vs. 3)
3. Do you spend your time with worldly people, involving yourselves in their evil deeds? (vs. 4-6)
4. Do you come to My altar and there sing songs of praise and thanksgiving? (vs. 6-7)
5. Do you tell of all the wonders I have done for you? (vs. 7)
6. Do you love My sanctuary, that place where my presence dwells? (vs. 8)
7. Do you live with My integrity in your heart? (vs. 11)
8. Are you standing on solid ground? (vs. 12)
9. Do you willingly praise Me in public? (vs. 12)
If God put you on trial today to test your faith and your walk with God by asking you these nine questions, would you pass or fail? Ask God to work in those weak areas of your faith. Determine in your heart to plant your feet on “solid ground” that only comes through complete faith and trust in knowing, and living for, Jesus.
1-1/2 cup crushed graham crackers)
1/3 cup melted margarine ) Mix all together and press into a 9 x 13 pan
3 Tbsp. sugar )
Mix together in separate bowl:
3 - 8-oz. cream cheese
¾ cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Add 3 eggs and mix well
Pour this mixture over the graham cracker crust and bake at 350 for 30 minutes, or until set.
Cool. When cooled, place in refrigerator at least 3 hours. Cut into squares and serve.
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