(Recipe: Crunchy Shrimp & Mango Lettuce Cups)
We just returned from vacation. A trip to Atlanta, Georgia. Why take a trip there? For one very special reason. Our 16 yr. old grandson was playing in a baseball tournament and we wanted to be there to cheer the team on. We were willing to drive 13 hours, 7 minutes some 796 miles to spend time with our grandson, his parents, and his team.
Call us crazy!
But it is what we like. It truly was a vacation, even though we sat in the hot sun watching 7 baseball games. We enjoyed the team spirit. Getting to know the other parents. Watching the boys both win, and lose, graciously. And bragging about the “NJ Twins”.
We laughed. We cheered. There were tense moments. But it all came down to one thought. Our boys were the best – no matter what. No, they didn’t win the tournament, but they learned some valuable lessons. They had fun. They know they are loved. And there is always next year!!
As I thought about my passion for baseball, and being willing to drive to “who knows where” just to see a baseball game, I wondered if I had the same passion for my Lord. Am I willing to go “wherever” to share the Good News with someone? Do I get excited about telling others about Jesus, like I do about sharing the story of my grandson’s team? Would I be willing to stand up and yell like a fool for Jesus just as I do for his team?
Why is it we are okay with these kinds of actions at a simple, stupid sports event – yet we hesitate to open our mouth to speak to someone about what is really important - Jesus?
There is still work to be done in my life concerning this very topic. How about you?
Let’s consider the commands God gives us in his word. Namely these:
Nahum 1:15 – “Look! A messenger is coming over the mountains with good news! He is bringing a message of peace.” - Am I that messenger?
Psalm 107:2 – “Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies”. – Jesus is our Redeemer, taking our sin on himself at the Cross. Look around you. There are many who need to hear about this Redeemer.
Acts 18:9-10 – “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me.” - Hey!! No need to be afraid. Three promises God gives if we are willing to share the Gospel. I am with you. No one will attack you. No one will harm you. Bottom line, I have no excuse.
Romans 15:20 – “My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.” It’s so easy to speak about Christ within the church walls – but our ambition and desire should be to share Christ to those outside the church. Your neighbor. Your co-worker. That team player. Perhaps a family member. Be the messenger. Don’t be afraid.
May God help each of us to get as excited about Jesus as we do about our favorite sports team.
Crunchy Shrimp & Mango Lettuce Cups
½ C. lowfat sour cream
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
S & P
1 lb. medium cooked, peeled and deveined shrimp (thawed if frozen)
2 stalks celery, cut into ¼ inch pieces
2 sliced scallions
1 mango, cut into ½ inch pieces
6 oz. sugar snap peas, thinly sliced
½ C. fresh basil, torn
1 small head butter lettuce, leaves separated
In a small bowl whisk together the sour cream, lemon juice and ½ tsp. each S & P
Add the shrimp, celery and scallions and toss to coat. Fold in the mango, snap peas and basil. Serve in the lettuce leaves.