Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two Courageous Women
(Recipe: Bean Dip)

The Bible is the best non-fiction book on the market! It has a little bit of everything within its pages. Mystery. Romance. Comedy. Intrigue. History. It has it all. I have been reading through the Bible, rather slowly I must admit. I enjoyed Genesis, the book of beginnings. Exodus was filled with watching an Amazing God do an amazing work in developing a relationship with Israel. Leviticus with all its rules and regulations. Numbers tells the story of Israel in the wilderness journeying toward the Promised Land from Mount Siani. Deuteronomy is the story of Israel’s renewed covenant with God. We all remember Joshua and the “walls that came tumbling down!” Now on to Judges, and contained within its pages is the story of men and women whom God used during Israel’s history to rescue his people from their enemies.

Women! Yes, God chose to use women to do some might extraordinary things. When God has work to do, it doesn’t matter to him whether that work is accomplished by a man or a woman. He is just looking for a willing, obedient heart. Thus, I was intrigued by the story of two courageous women in Judges 4. Deborah and Jael.

Deborah was the reigning prophetess and judge at the time. She summoned Barak and told him he was to go and capture Sisera and he would have victory over him. Reluctant Barak said he would go to battle only if Deborah would go with him. She agrees, but not before telling him that his hesitation would cost him the honor of victory. Said victory would be placed into the hands of a woman!!

Barak does indeed kill all the warriors of the enemy. But what about Sisera? Barak fails in his capture of him. However, Sisera, in trying to escape, enters the tent of a woman named Jael. She offers him refreshment and rest. Knowing he was the enemy, and as he was sleeping, Jael drives a peg through his temple and kills him. Indeed, God used a woman to give the final blow to this enemy, and ultimately kill the man God was after.

Both these women were available, unafraid of the task, and obedient in what God was asking them to do. This is the kind of woman I want to be in the New Year. One who is available when God calls. One who is unafraid to try something new. One who is obedient to the plan God has for me.

Ephesians 2:10 – “For we (you and me) are God’s masterpiece (God’s greatest piece of work). He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do good things he planned for us long ago.”

What good things does he have planned for you in 2012? Are you ready and willing to do them for God?


1 8-oz. cream cheese
1 jar of Bean Dip
1 8-oz. shredded sharp Cheddar Cheese

In 9 x 13 pan (or smaller) spread the cream cheese on bottom. Next, spread the Bean Dip over the cream cheese. Last, sprinkle with the cheddar cheese.

Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes until hot and cheese has m

Thursday, December 1, 2011

(Recipe: Appetizer)

December! One month left in 2011. Twenty-four days until Christmas. Fifteen days until my grandsons first birthday. Twenty days until my oldest grandchild’s eighteenth birthday. Twenty-six days until my middle sons forty-sixth birthday. Where has the time gone? This year has flown by. What have I accomplished this past year? What have I learned? What am I still learning?

Every day we learn something new. I was reminded this week that when Jesus came into the world, his first stop, before even setting foot on earth, was the safety of a mother’s womb, cradled beneath her loving heart. For nine months he dwelt in her safety and love.

For the past three years I have been doing an on-line ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ. My mission: To respond to the many emails that I receive from around the world from people wanting to know more about Jesus. To date I have spoken with over 8,300 men, women and teens.

One of the questions I am frequently asked is: “How can I love God more?” A very good question. A question perhaps we should ask ourselves often. How would answer them?

This week as I was reading through Deuteronomy I came across Deuteronomy 11:22. There was my answer to this question – and the answer wasn’t some general answer that I chose to give – it was an answer direct from God.

“Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.” (NLT).

Translation: To show God how much you love Him, walk in obedience with God and don’t let go of his hand.

Think about it. When you are with that person you love, don’t you relish being close to them, holding their hand, walking alongside them, doing everything to please them?

God wants the same thing from us. If I am going to love God, if I am going to show God how much I love him, then ‘I will walk in his ways and hold tightly to him.’ Are you doing this? If not, why not start today. Let God know how much you love him by sticking close to him, allowing him to do the leading, and, in obedience, walk wherever he leads you, never letting go of his hand.

May God bless you today with a wonderful adventure of loving God.

Candied Walnut-Camembert Puff Purses

1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts
¼ cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp. minced fresh rosemary leaves
1 17.3 oz. package Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed
2 oz. Camembert cheese, cut into 32 ½ inch cubes

Heat oven to 400. Stir walnuts, brown sugar and rosemary in small bowl.
Unfold pastry on lightly floured surface. Roll pastry sheet into a 12” square. Cut into 16 – 3” squares. Repeat with remaining sheet.

Spoon about 1 tsp. walnut mixture into the center of each pastry square. Top each with cheese cube. Brush edges with water. Fold the corners, over the filling and twist gently to seal. Place filled pastries into a mini-muffin pan.

Bake 15 min. or until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack for 10 minutes.