(Recipe: Chicken Salad)
Greetings from Florida! My husband and I came down on Thursday and will be here a week or two. The weather is beautiful. So much nicer than the cold and snow we left in Pennsylvania. Love sitting on the beach. We enjoyed a wonderful worship service at our favorite church here in Clearwater. Life is good!
I am going to divert from my “Alphabet Scriptures” and share a Psalm God put on my heart this morning. It is Psalm 148 and I was struck with the simply beginning which says – “Praise the Lord.” Instructions follow as to who or what is to Praise the Lord. People are to praise the Lord – or they are suppose to – but I was amazed at what else God’s Word says regarding praising Him. Let me share this with you. Psalm 148:
vs. 1 – Praise the Lord from the heavens – Think about it, the heavens Praise the Lord!
vs. 2 – Praise him, all his angels and heavenly hosts –Angels give Praise to God.
vs. 3 – Praise him sun, moon, shining stars - I wondered how these might praise the Lord. Then
it occurred to me. Every time they shine in the heavens they are Praising the God who
created them.
vs. 4 – Praise him you highest heavens and waters about the skies – the clouds praise him. I
don’t think I will look at clouds the same way again. Every one of them – as they
move across the heavens – are Praising the Lord!
vs. 7 – Praise the Lord from the earth you sea creatures – Earth and sea life give praise to the
Lord. Next time you see a dolphin jumping from the water – think of him as Praising
the Lord!
vs. 8 – The heavenly elements praise the Lord – lightening, hail, snow, winds – all Praise their
Creator. And we thought snow was a nuisance!! Actually, God is delighted with his
creation. He has given it to us for our enjoyment to remind us of who He is.
vs. 9 - Mountains, hills, trees – all Praise the Lord. When I see a tree swaying in the breeze, I
am reminded “that tree is giving Praise to God.”
vs. 10 – Wild animals, cattle, small creatures and birds – All, in their own way, praise the Lord.
Every song a bird sings is his way of Praising the Lord.
vs. 11 – Kings, princes and all rulers on earth are to praise the Lord …..
vs. 12 – Young, old, men, women, children are to praise the Lord. I’m afraid God might be disappointed with these last two categories. We might be quicker to blame God than
we are to give him praise. How many times this past week have you stopped to simply
Praise The Lord!! Belt out your song to God! Perhaps this week can be a week in which
you, along with all Creation, gives a heartfelt PRAISE TO THE LORD!
Chicken Salad (for sandwich or salad)
4 cups cubed, cooked chicken meat (preferably chicken breast)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 tsp. paprika
1-1/2 cups dried cranberries
1 cup chopped celery
2 green onions, chopped (scallions)
½ cup minced green bell pepper
1 cup chopped pecans
1 tsp. seasoning salt
ground pepper to taste
In medium bowl, mix together mayonnaise, paprika and seasoned salt. Blend in dried cranberries, celery, bell pepper, onion and nuts. Add chicken, mix well. Season with pepper to taste. Chill 1 hour.